Sunday, May 9, 2010

Peroneal Tendonitis

I learned last week at the doctor that I have irritated my peroneal tendon, which is what I suspected based on the location of the pain. The picture below shows the path of the peroneal tendon. Basically, the lesson here is that I pushed it too far too fast. My muscles and supporting structures needed to adjust to the extra work they were expected to do, and I didn't do it slowly enough. So -- learn from this and don't do it!!!

For the past week or so, I have been taking Advil a few times a day fo rthe inflammation, icing occasionally, and generally being easy on it. It feels pretty much normal now, and I have a follow-up visit on Monday.

The RunAMuck Mud and Music Festival is coming up this Saturday, and I still have some hopes of wearing my FiveFingers -- but I want to be wary also, because I don't want to be halfway through it and be in really bad pain. I will just have to see how I feel this week and make the best decision.

I am back to wearing my Vibram FiveFingers normally, but I haven't tried running again yet. I won't be too disappointed if I can't run in them, since I am not a runner anyway -- as long as I can still use them for walking, trail walks, biking, and anything water related!


  1. Came across your post after having my VFF for a week. I've read the woes of those who went out too fast and so I didn't want to make that mistake. I thought I was going pretty easy but apparently not easy enough. I put on my regular running shoes for a longer run today and felt the pain which sounds like the peroneal tendon acting up. I'll back off and do more alternating between VFF and my normal shoes while I get used to them.

  2. Googled Peroneal tendon injuries and vibrams and saw your post. Despite warnings I ran 10mi in the Sprints when my feet were only used to 4mi. I can barely walk now from the inflammed peroneal tendons! Its been more than a week! When will this go away? When did it go away for you?
