Monday, April 12, 2010

A few days in

I don't have a lot to report, because everything is going great for the most part. Over the weekend, I walked about 2 miles in my new shoes, and today, I walked another mile. In addition, I wore them for about 13 hours straight today, and I was comfortable. I do have a few thoughts:
  • They do become pretty hot over time -- mainly when just sitting.
  • As I sat in class for long periods, I felt like I would rather just take them off entirely. I think maybe the Injinji socks would make a difference with this problem, but I am not sure. The are not exactly uncomfortable, but they do get a bit clingy. When I am moving, it is fine.
I don't know why this would be the case, but my feet actually feel softer. Maybe the better fit reduces the rubbing from regular shoes? Either way, that's a good thing.

I don't have any significant pain at all from these. I had some very slight muscle pain in my lower leg (soleus/gastrocnemius), but that is to be expected. The redness I was worried about on my achilles has not blistered or caused any problems. I notice the pressure there less as I wear them. Also, I do feel a slight bit more pressure on the ball of my foot than usual when I walk, so that will take some getting used to.

One of my cats got very excited by my new shoes and started attacking them, so I make sure to keep them in the closet. (I saw a youtube video of another cat loving the Vibram FiveFingers, so watch out for that!!!)

I should get starting running soon. I have been reading up on techniques for barefoot running and have watched some tutorials. I gave it a quick 2 block try as I went somewhere on Saturday, so that was fun -- but obviously not enough to report back on.

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