Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally did a run legs are so sore!!!

I would be worried about this, but I read a lot about how you have to build up muscles in your feet and legs and really ease into this new shoe. Also, when I was at a store trying these on, a guy came up and told me he had some and loves them. Then, he paused and laughed and said, "You're going to be in so much pain!" And then he walked away.

So this is expected. I ran a mile and walked a half mile. Basically, the muscles supporting my ankles are somewhat sore, but the main source is the lower calf area (possibly the soleus and/or tibialis posterior). I have been stretching it as much as possible today and resting also. Definitely best to not tear up my legs too much. I think my plan for now will be to run every other day until the pain lessens.

As for today, I am planning a bike ride, and I will wear my FiveFingers. I really like how that feels, and it doesn't cause pain. The more I wear them, the better they will feel over time!

1 comment:

  1. I think your plan is sound. You're being careful even as you test the shoes and yourself.
