Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why I bought these!

What inspired me to buy them was reading all the testimonies online from everyone about how wonderful they were for such a wide variety of activities. I specifically got the Sprint, because I think the strap over it makes it more versatile than the Classic, but I didn't like the enclosed models (such as the KSO), and I didn't need the shoe watersuit (the Flow). :)

I am hoping to do the following in these shoes:
  • Walk around town: Whether this be city (concrete) walking or in parks or on trails.
  • Bike: I did this today, and it was GREAT! (It really made me smile.) I could actually sort of wrap y toes around the pedal, and it gave the sensation that I was more connected to the bike and had a bit more control.
  • Begin running: Although I am not much of a runner, I am inspired to try the "barefoot running" experience. I also need to prepare for the following bullet point.
  • The Run AMuck Mud and Music Festival: This event occurs in May, and I am really excited! It involves running a 5K and doing obstacles along the way. At the end is a big mud pit crawl. I am anticipating that the Vibram FiveFingers will be perfect for this -- especially the Sprint, since it can not fall off and get lost in the mud. Additionally, they are machine washable, so rather than ruining other shoes with mud, these should hold up just fine.
  • Water sports: Any rafting, canoeing, walking through creeks on trails, etc.
  • Tree climbing and/or rock wall: I am not currently a member of a rock wall, so this is not a primary reason for purchasing, but I have heard they are very grippy and work well for this also.
  • The MedWAR (Wilderness Adventure race): The details aren't out for this one yet, but it is in August. Depending on how I feel about these shoes, I hope to wear them for that also. It will involve 6-10 hours of continous movement (walking, running, biking, canoeing) with medical scenarios along the way. Much of this, obviously, could be on muddy trails, so I am hoping the Vibram FiveFingers will be good for this also (since mud will not accumulate as on regular shoes and weigh me down).

These are just a few reasons I like these - besides esthetically. Yes, they look a bit bizarre, but I think they are really great and unique. I would rather be barefoot than wear shoes, so these are a great option.

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